Maha Chohan: Imparting the Divine Plan, Jan 1954,
dictated to G. Innocente
Beloved ones, I would like to bring to your remembrance some of the endeavors in which a particular group
of the celestial Hierarchy has invested its energies, which include the thought & the full-gathered momentum of love,
wisdom & power of each of its consitituents who has earned the right to active membership under the banner of the Lord
of the World thru investment of the primal essence of his life in the cosmic endeavor thru accumulated thought, feeling &
Every intelligence who applies to the Universal First Cause for the use of life & who is granted a flow
of that stream of life energy begins to create a personal heritage the moment the first electron is placed within the keeping
of the free will of the individual. All thru the ages that spiritual heritage which becomes wisdom, understanding, faith,
beauty & other divine qualities is builded, & for many at the same time is builded the personal heritage of karma
which must be expiated as they proceed on their journey thru life until their debt is paid. This expiation is possible of
achievement quickly thru a knowledge of the use of the sacred fire in its purifying activity, as well as by merit gained thru
service to the cause of good.
The great guardians of the race thru the developed faculty of the inner sight watch the building of the spiritual
heritage of the evolving souls which becomes the glorious aura of the Causal Body, & from time to time individual lifestreams
chosen because of that accumulated store of good are given an opportunity of becoming part of the purpose & cause which
is the forwarding of the divine plan for the planet & its evolution. These individuals who have developed certain dexterity
along particularly constructive lines greatly hasten their own evolution if they accept the opportunity to serve when it is
offered them by the Karmic Board, Sanat Kumara himself or his representatives.
The masters however in choosing individuals are fully conscious & cognizant that the accumulated store
of good in the Causal Body, upon which they pin their faith & hope, will very often be counterbalanced by the destructively-generated
karma which the personality has not expiated either thru suffering or thru grace, & this condition often proves to be
the deciding factor in his continued usefulness to the cause. If he has love enough to be willing to expiate his karma &
serve at the same time according to the great spiritual strength & momentum of his lifestream--which makes his victory
a possibility but not a preordained fact owing to free will--he will successfully pass thru the great initiation of self-denial.
However, the successful achievement of this manifestation is wholly dependent upon the determination & tenacity of the
ego to rise above the human tendency to give allegiance to form rather than essence, which oftimes causes the aspirant to
relinquish the plan no matter how carefully & perfectly it is designed at inner levels.
When an individual or a group come to a certain point of development & at the same time a cosmic moment
is struck in the history & evolution of a planet or system, the governing board of the spiritual Hierarchy presents to
possible servers the plan, vision & part which each one individually or collectively as part of that group may play in
the world scene.
As the wise director carefully casts the members of his play, so does the director of the cosmic scene carefully
designate those who might effectively further the divine plan thru the world of form. Then, voluntarily the individual soul
or ego may accept or reject the opportunity to serve, although he is fully aware that thru this service he may achieve his
own eternal freedom.
You will remember that there was a number of lifestreams who could have rendered a tremendous service to the
Master Jesus & there was a number who could have rendered a similar service to the Lord Buddha & did not, but as the
law of the Brotherhood can never force anyone to become part of an impersonal cause, ofttimes the individual who volunteers
will have barely a minimum of the momentum required against a hundred individuals with a maximum capacity who refuse the opportunity.
It is a solemn & serious meeting when the Hierarchy presents a plan which they would like to externalize
to a group of free spirits functioning in the happier medium of the etheric or higher mental bodies. The first part of that
activity is beautiful, inspiring & uplifting because the master powers at inner levels throw on the cosmic screen their
developed plan showing the magnificent accomplishment by which an entire race will receive perhaps the use of the electric
light, the airplane, the removal of certain so-called incurable diseases & many other racial benefits.
At this time all those discarnates who have been selected by the Silent Watcher as being capable of comprehending
this vision & carrying it thru the veil of birth to fruition are present. All of those who thru many ages have earned
stripes of merit, we will say, for work well done enjoy the spectacle & are filled with the enthusiasm of the sponsor,
but then as each individual who professes a willingness to be a part of that cause comes forward he is forced to look upon
his own karma which stands like an obstacle or a wall between him & the fulfillment of his part, & here many drop
from the roll of volunteers, leaving only the boldest, strongest or most loving who are willing to take the vision in one
hand as it were & the weight of his karma in the other &, passing thru the gates of birth, endeavor to externalize
the vision, expiate the karma & keep the faith.
Many times the weight of karma is such that the work cannot be accomplished according to its best manifest
expression, & this was particularly evident before the comprehension of the use of the sacred fire of forgiveness &
mercy was made apparent to the outer consciousness, & even now it is expedient that individuals realize that those who
stand with their hands in those of the masters, endeavoring to externalize the divine plan, yet carry the burden of their
own karma & although they may not be the fullness of ourselves incarnate, they at least are those who volunteered to endeavor
to spread our word & our vision & so manifest the glory of the inner light, having looked upon the weight of their
own karma & willingly fitted it to their shoulders before attempting the task. For each one who has accepted the mission
a thousand who were perhaps better qualified to perform the service have refused to accept the responsibility.
Understanding & tolerance of this sacrifice, which is in a measure that which the beloved Buddha spoke
of in referring to his own tremendous endeavors to make sacred his lifestream, is the constant service of the workers in the
vineyard who help their fellowmen with one hand & clear their own worlds of the mire & accumulation of the ages with
the other. It is good that the Universal Good created two hands, one for individual development & one for impersonal service.
If either is withered the spiritual body in mastery is incomplete.
I have watched the endeavor of the law to bring to the understanding of the people of Earth the reality of
the existence of the Hierarchy for the past hundred & fifty years. We are really now in the third phase of this one endeavor.
In it some of you have played a part once, some of you twice, while some have touched the fringe of the endeavor on three
When early in the nineteenth century the cosmic law called the attention of the Hierarchy to the necessity
of bringing to the outer consciousness of men & women the fact of the actual existence of the masters, we proceeded thru
a series of conferences & councils in order to devise ways & means of bringing the living presence of these masters
to the acceptance of the people of Earth, particularly in the Western hemisphere where the vital energies which would promulgate
action were incorporated into the incarnate souls. The East which has accepted long since the universal presence of the Holy
Ones was destined to transfer the spiritual currents & impetus which she had guarded for ages into the Western hemisphere,
& it was imperative before this spiritual activity took place that some Western lifestreams know of the existence of the
ascended Hierarchy & come forth as a guard before the knowledge of the sacred fire could be given, which would accompany
the cosmic release from the great ray at Lake Titicaca.
Therefore, Blavatsky, Leadbeater, Olcott, Besant & Judge were among the thousands whose glorious Causal
Bodies signified that they were ready & capable of rendering this service. the few who accepted the opportunity at first
formed the nucleus of the Theosophical Society & with their own bodies broke thru the veil of materialism, thus making
the opening wedge thru which the interest of the students of the law of life was turned toward the various members of the
Brotherhood who up to that time were not even intellectually accepted as having existence, not to mention intelligence or
The outpouring thru the Theosophical society was primarily thru the wisdom ray & many were the hours of
the days & nights I sat together with El Morya, Kuthumi, Serapis & Saint Germain & poured thru the mind of blavatsky
the wisdom which she wrote in the Secret Doctrine, the Voice of the Silence, Isis Unveiled & the other volumes, many of
which are yet secreted in the masters' retreats.
We endeavored to incorporate into the volumes as much of the truth as could be understood, the same truth
that is contained in the Vedas of India, the Upanishads, & the same truth that is in all the secret writings that have
come down as the heritage of man, many of which are guarded in Tibet & China & the various retreats of the Brotherhood
throughout the world. Even then our good instrument was accused of plagarism, but it will ever be thus when truth is revealed
for the reason that it will always have had an earlier revelation, & the later revelations will essentially have to be
confirmations of the eternal verities regardless of the fact that their exponents are accused of merely copying the older
The amount of energy we were given by the cosmic law in that century was expended in drawing the wisdom of
the ages into these documents, the members of the Society except in rare instances contributing little of their own energies
in expiating the karma of the race or helping the souls of men to return to the law a balance for the investment of our energies,
remaining content to confine their energies to an interest in the new knowledge.
When we had used up as much energy as the law would allow us we had to close that book of wisdom & wait
for a new outpouring with the change of the century.
It was at this time that the Master Saint Germain determined to draw the power ray & made preparations
to form another group of dedicated lifestreams, stimulate their interest in the masters & couple the newer endeavor with
cooperative application wherein impersonally in an individual & group activity the energy given us for the twentieth century
might spread over a wider range, thus procuring for us a greater dispensation from the Karmic Board to reach sensitive spirits
thru the release of energy in invocation & decree.
You will see by a moment's contemplation that in order to complete the cycle we had to have the action of
divine love, the three plumes of the one flame, the completion of the one project, & it is only to be regretted that as
always thru human representatives each plume of the one flame is forced to maintain a separate existence although it is a
recognized truth that even the Deity--the very heart of the universal--must be threefold in order to express perfect balance
& mastery.