El Morya on Each Man's Savior Is Within Himself July 1953
dictated to G. Innocente
Beloved One:
Looking down the course of the past year I AM extremely grateful to see that the faith and hope and confidence
which I have invested in the new endeavor has borne fruit of a marvelous and lasting nature.
For who could have said a short 12 months ago that across the face of this earth there would be gathered together
in interest, service and enthusiasm so many lifestreams willing to accept truth upon its own merit! If you could know the
countless times We have been privileged to have knowledge of a new vibration over which the Word of God was to reach the few
who have always been the vanguard of evolution, you could better understand Our extreme gratitude and surprise that so many
have eagerly grasped truth without the necessity of expending countless tons of energy to convince the intellect of the authenticity
of the message and the perfection of the source from which it flows.
It is easier far to pick up the senses of an expounded teaching after the Messenger has left the field and
the followers, still bathing in the aura of his Presence, are already convinced of the authenticity of that Word, than it
is to open the door for the outpouring of a new vibration which by its very rapidity and strength is bound to meet with the
resistance of that human trait which dislikes change, discomfort and the required personal endeavor to rise above the natural
vibration in which the soul and inner bodies have been more or less slumbering, content in the hopes of a vicarious atonement!
Tell a man that he is the maker of his own destiny and you rouse a sleeping tiger! If a man choose a savior, his conscience
is then clean--according to his standards--and he rests on the comfortable illusion that such a self-chosen lifebelt will
carry his recumbent form safely to the other shore where automatically life eternal and the variegated fits of his own personally
endowed heaven await him! This is as true of the so-called emancipated souls who have struck out from the blind belief of
the redemption found in the blood of the Lamb as it is of the orthodox members of the church. The "emancipated" merely transfer
the burden of their salvation to another person, physically embodied or ephemeral, and then return to the soothing slumbers
which have caused the recalcitrant race to become a blot on the whole star system!
Patience being the order of Heaven, We have to stand aside when We see souls, loosened by such tremendous
endeavor on the part of the angelic host--particularly Lord Michael--and the Brothers and Sisters who represent freedom from
outworn concepts, errors and mistakes born of misinterpretation of the truths that have been brought to man thru every age--finally
shake themselves free of lethargy and raise the sight and vision to comprehend the unfolded message of the present day. Then,
when you think they are FINALLY on the path, like children desiring to return to the womb of the Mother, they curl up again
in the shadow of the new "redeemer", cease to make further effort, and expect salvation thru that one's achievement! Sad the
day when they wake and find, perhaps, that the redeemer has ceased to walk the way of truth and that their own journey, dependent
on the forward progress of the star to which their wagon's hitched, has been stalemated or worse still retrogressed.
Wise is he who takes staff in hand and walks the way himself with eyes open, heart attuned to the Spirit's
voice, and keeping his own watch, lingers not in the false security of another's achievement, but as a fellow traveller blesses
him, making the goal of his experiences dependent on his own endeavors--for such attain the victory. Your M