El Morya: Chelas--Probationary, Feb. 1953
Beloved chela:
Do you know what the word chela means from the inner standpoint? Hopeful aspirant! One becomes a chela when
the life-flame within the heart can no longer be denied the opportunity to try to manifest the God plan thru the personality
it wears. An accepted chela is one who has applied for more than ordinary assistance and instruction and who upon the spiritual
scrutiny of the Guru is found capable of pursuing the more than ordinary disciplines required of the lifestream who chooses
to loose the god-power thru the self and thus become master of energy and vibration in any sphere in which he chooses voluntarily
to function.
The immortal flame of life within the heart of every individual is of course the master power over all substance,
vibration and form but it does not act thru the individual until invited to do so. This is evident because although all men
are animated by the same Presence very few utilize the powers of the Presence to energize and manifest God-perfection.
The heartflame of the aspirant signifies his desire to become a chela. He is among the group gathered by the
Silent Watcher of His particular section of the earthplane, awaiting the inspection of the Brotherhood. From among this number
about one-tenth are chosen as probationary chelas. The others are put in the keeping of guardian angels and special beings
who will nourish and develop the spiritual desire in the heart to a point where it is not the emotion of a moment or the pressure
resulting from a crisis in earthlife which when passed will no longer motivate the soul to continue the spiritual search.
Of all the applicants for chelaship all the hearts that cry "Why?" when faced with the appearances of life, few really mean
to pursue the search. however, even this momentary heart-cry places them among potential chelas of the future.
The tenth who are accepted as probationary chelas but are not accepted chelas then enter a probationary period
extending from weeks to several incarnations before they are accepted by a particular Brother and enter into the association
of Guru and pupil, which is a mystic parent-child relationship more dear than any earthly bond can be!
From then on every activity of the chela reflects upon the guru, and every heart desire of the guru becomes
the heart desire of the chela that he might employ the talents and capacities of his lifestream to its fulfillment. Every
accepted chela until he passes thru the glorious gates of eternal freedom is constantly passing thru varied experiences by
which the Guru hopes to develop and mature the vehicles the lifestream uses until the chela becomes the master control of
energy not only on the earthplane but in the more subtle inner planes as well.
The Guru looks over the inner bodies of the chela as carefully as the mother examines the clothing of her
children to repair rents and to reinforce certain portions of those garments to give the most protection, comfort and beauty
to the child. The particular service the individual is rendering also determines the part of the sevenfold instrument which
will be subject to the hardest wear and the most severe strain by reason of exposure to discordant circumstances. It is often
the very portion of the lifestream that will be needed most which is least developed, and the constant attention of the Guru
and the constant focusing of energy upon this vehicles is for the sole purpose of developing and maturing it although it seems
trying to the dear disciple. Better that the Guru weave the mystic armor over the Achilles heel than in the time of cosmic
import it be left vulnerable to the thrust of evil!
Now, there is as wide a difference between honesty and indiscretion as there is between purity and licentiousness.
It is commendable to withhold spiritual information when requested to do so, but in the wealth of material that awaits release
to you and thru you in the many spiritual experiences which can be yours it is required that you not We develop the spiritual
discernment which bids you speak and bids you withhold a portion of this spiritual heritage from profane eyes. This is your
There are experiences which may be spoonfed to a chosen few, and there are many beautiful and delightful experiences
that can be shouted from the housetops. It is for you, My children, to make the necessary application which will be the permanent
guard against indiscretions born of enthusiasm, love and zeal. It is a God-truth that you are always within the ray of the
masters upon the platform and always within the compass of Our protection and guidance, but your inner bodies are the cups
thru which We pour the essence of power and light, and if there is a weakness in any of these bodies some of that essence
may escape and thus can not render its fullest service as it would when God-protected and God-released. It is the same discipline
by which the small cherubic and angelic beings are entrused with God-light which pours out of their sweet bodies without direction
or control and which as they mature is powerfully projected toward a given objective to render cosmic service.
The wealth of information in your hands is yours to use as your heart indicates. The confidences of the masters
is also yours to use but upon your use of it will be determined how much of the inner mysteries We may be allowed by cosmic
law to impart in the future and how many of the beautiful experiences, precipitations and manifestations may be allowed to
your outer consciousness. It would not be wise for Us in ethusiasm and love to give into your keeping certain glorious experiences
which you in honest zeal would give unto the indiscriminate masses thus causing you to suffer the returning karma which would
be detrimental to your evolving spirit.
Remember the admonition of your master, "Be wise as a serpent and as gentle as a dove," also the admonition
of Gabriel to Mary, "Ponder these things in your heart." Your M