Kwan Yin: The Art of Becoming a Healing Conductor, April 3, 1955,
dictated to Geraldine Innocente
Beloved & blessed flowers in the garden of the Lord of Hope! As I breathe the perfume radiating
from your earnest & sincere endeavors thru the years & as I gather the harvest of your light's love, I AM so grateful
that among the mankind of Earth there are individual lifestreams incarnate wearing yet karmic bonds of their own making desirous
of bringing the gifts of mercy, compassion & healing to this race.
For many years I have been known as the spirit of the flames of mercy & compassion. I would like
to speak to you about that flame of mercy because its presence is so important in the feeling world of those who desire to
heal. No permanent healing of mind & body can come just thru effort of human will, beloved ones! Your feeling world is
composed of far more than half of your life energy & the quality flowing thru your feelings is the conductor thru which
flows that qualified healing essence into the world of the one whom you wish to benefit. Blessed ones, your feeling world
is the bridge over which flows the gathered healing elixir of qualified life entering into the mind of the patient to dispel
shadows, entering into his feelings to dispel depression, entering into his flesh to resurrect it & bring it new life.
Thru the ages there have been individuals who have practiced the art of manifesting healing power &
who have developed a tremendous capacity for holding a mental concept which is comparatively free of imperfection. This has
developed into a science by which that concept thru a trained & powerful practioner can be injected into the consciousness
of the patient & accepted by effort of human will. However almost without exception you will find that when the individual
who is rendering the service is removed from the Earth in so-called death, the condition will either recur in the patient
in that embodiment or remain to be transmuted into light in a succeeding Earth life. You see, thru the ages there have been
recorded upon the etheric body many many effects set up by causes of imperfection in though & feeling. These outpicture
later on the screen of life as diseases of mind & body. By effort of will they are often pressed or forced back again
into the etheric garment but not transmuted into light at inner levels. Therefore you have no sustained & permanent purification
of the lifestream.
Those healers who render a service of a permanent nature use their feeling worlds as the conductor thru
which the flame of mercy & compassion flows. Jesus embodied that authority in his oft-repeated statement, "Thy sins be
forgiven thee;" also, "Take up thy bed & walk." Now, these flames of mercy & compassion stir within the breasts of
many men & women as a vocation, although not all act in the medical profession & minister in other ways to the minds
as well as the bodies of the people. When we see these feelings stir in any individual we know that we have a new candidate
for our cosmic temples of mercy, new students who are ready to be enrolled among the Brothers & Sisters of Compassion.
We raise them to the point where their feelings become master of the energies which they contact.
I would like to bring this to your attention today because compassion is a positive quality. Sympathy
is a negative quality. These two qualities are exact opposites. Sympathy your Master St. Germain has told you is agreement
with imperfection. What does he mean? He means that your life force flowing thru the silver cord from your Presence, rushing
forth uncontrolled & attaching itself to a person in distress, immediately takes on the quality of that distress. Thus,
rather than helping such a one you weigh him down with more of the same quality of this unhappy energy by turning your attention
& your sympathy toward him. You let the virtue flow out from you without control, you magnify & magnetize distress.
Compassion witnessing the requirement of the moment does not allow feelings to leave the heartflame with an acceptance of
discordant appearance. It does not accept that there is a power greater than God. Then in the masterful poise of that God-anchorage
the healing powers are drawn & projected to the one in need. All this time your own Electronic Presence thru your feeling
world is in complete mastery of the condition or circumstance.
For instance, in the case of an accident if an individual with sympathy were to look upon a person whose
lifeblood was ebbing away, the sympathetic individual would probably faint, while the compassionate person would give immediate
assistance to the injured one by stopping the flow of blood. It is most important that you understand this. You see, the very
nature of those interested in healing usually makes them extremely sensitive to distress. In their eagerness to help they
are often prone to accept as real the appearances in the world of form. In so doing they not only deplete themselves thru
sympathy but they also magnify those distresses in their fellowman.
Our beloved Master Jesus was a most positive lifestream, beloved ones. If he had allowed his positive
qualities of compassion & mercy to become negative acceptance of insanity, leprosy & death itself, he would not have
been the victorious master he was nor could he have become the perfect example for all on this Earth to follow. If you are
going to become a healing power in this universe, you must become a fountain of positively-controlled energy. Your soul is
the accumulated consciousness to which I AM speaking this morning. Your outer consciousness has recorded within it the doubt
& fear, the experiences & impressions that you have acquired thru all the centuries you have lived. Now you must take
your soul & in quiet introspection examine it well. Find out if you really believe in your heart & in your feelings
that there is no other power than God. When you say intellectually from the lips, "I AM the God-power Almighty, there is no
other power that can act," do you mean it?
You can measure yourself, my children, by the behavior of the energy which you contact. If that energy
does not respond favorably, you have not relinquished your belief in every power except that of Almighty God within the secret
deep confines of your own soul. To God who is all love & all-powerful-always-triumphant, master, all energy instantaneously
responds. The healing lifestream must be a positive individual. Within his heart, soul & spirit he must be as sure of
the Father's Presence as was the Master Jesus when he stood before the tomb of Lazarus & without fear or ridicule or doubt
as to the response of that soul called, "Lazarus, come forth!" Jesus knew that the God within, the living Presence of that
man, would draw Lazarus from the seeming appearance of death. Thus to all who would believe Jesus gave actual proof that there
is no such thing as death. Such an appearance comes only from the acceptance of the outer consciousness. You cannot approach
the healing of nations nor the healing of a planet that groans in pain & agony with a negative acceptance of defeat.
Beloved ones, we all deal with energy. Looking upon you this morning seeing the unfolding petals of
your own heartflames & the virtues going out from you to bless life with the various qualities representing your particular
rays I think how beautiful it is to find so many conductors of harmoniously & beautifully qualified God-energies. You
all look to me like lovely flowers, some deep purples some the vibrant blue of El Morya, some white, some green, each of your
representing one of the seven great rays. Your Master Chohan, standing in the atmosphere above the room, ties into the virtue
that is within you & increases the pressure of his light thru you. In this way this living flower garden of faithful students,
increasing in essence, in perfume, in beauty thru concentration, blankets the entire city in a magnificent healing radiation.
How grateful we are to you, each precious one, who has given the time, the energy & substance of your world to come &
sit at the feet of the master. Without you as conductors of our love into the world of form we would have no bridge over which
to pour the radiance of our Presence & our gifts of blessings to mankind.
As we enter the Golden Age that is ahead & as your faith, your spiritual strength & your sense
of personal mastery incrase, these qualities form a bridge between our octave & yours over which we come from the ascended
master octave to bless you as I AM doing today. Then as you walk over that bridge from your side, as you serve mankind in
our name, one day we shall consciously meet & clasp hands. Meanwhile the bridge grows ever wider & wider. Each consciousness
we reach, each mind we can convince of our reality & Presence becomes another span of that bridge over which pass all
our blessings to life, my gifts of mercy & compassion, beloved Mary's gifts of healing to life, to free, to purify &
make whole, as well as the gifts of all the other ascended ones who are serving to set Earth free.
We dwell in a realm within which is no imperfection. We qualified to live therein because our consciousness
had been trained not to create even one thought or feeling that would be inharmonious. Every lifestream, every being in the
universe creates from within himself the atmosphere & world of activity in which he dwells. Anyone can live either in
the kingdom of heaven this hour or continue in the generation of human thought & feeling, dwelling in the astral &
psychic realm (the hell of human creation).
All we can do is breathe upon your life the essence of our conviction, the love of our hearts, the happiness
of our beings, hoping to stimulate the spark within you to a point where your positive consciousness will not again recede.
Sometimes after lighting a fire upon the hearth & fanning it into flame with your bellows you have seen after the pressure
of the bellows was removed the flames again die down into small sparks. That is somewhat similar to our activity with mankind.
While the pressure of our ray, while the power of our invocation, while the pressure of our feelings flow people respond to
our radiation & their hearts' light expands. We are so grateful when we see this expansion take place & if you can,
even one among you, sustain your expanded light after our visitation & hold it, carrying the radiation to your fellowman,
we shall feel we have accomplished much indeed.
We are the guardians of the sacred fire. That means we are those ascended beings who keep the spark
of divinity alive within the hearts of mankind. Those of us who have consecrated our lives to these specific services, when
we turn our attention to an individual, we increase in such a one the qualities which are our predominant feeling. As I have
been given the honor & recognition of being chosen by the ascended host & yourselves to be the presiding figure of
this Easter season I AM giving you the gift of my mercy to life, my compassion, my positive assurance of all that the God-power
can do for you. Accept it! Open your hearts! Open your souls! Open your feelings! Accept my gift! According to your acceptance
is it done unto you! Your dear minds want to accept but it is in the unresponsive feelings that we find the resistance of
even the most earnest chela. It is in the buried resentments, rebellions & disappointments of the etheric consciousness
that we find the block to the building of the individual foci of the sacred fire in those of you thru whom we would like to
walk the Earth as a fountain of that merciful violet flame, freeing life everywhere from distortion & imperfection &
restoring it again to its God-design.
Can I give more than myself? Will you endeavor to become representatives of the Goddess of Mercy to
life? Will you let your energies in tune with God wrap your world in the seamless garment of the ascended host? Thru that
radiation you can change the quality of very bit of energy you contact, making the blind to see, the lame to walk, the dead
to rise, the mentally unbalanced to have the dignity of mastery & control of their own consciousness. Your energies connected
with mine are more powerful than the combined mass energy of the billions of souls who have not yet raised their consciousness
above the erroneous reports of the outer senses.
We dedicate & consecrate this holy class to the dignity of womankind. As you know I have served
womankind for many ages. I have been the protector & the guiding influence behind the women of the race. In every age
where my voice could be heard or my words could be read I have pled for the removal of the degradation of women thru indulgence
in passion & lust. Those who have used their vital forces in a manner that was not ordained by God or commended by men
need mercy & understanding. In the astral realm which surrounds this world if you could see the amount of energy which
forms the veil of human maya which has come from lust & passion, you would realize that it is by far the largest layer
we shall say of the veil of human creation. Into it is woven the scorn, censure, blame & selfishness which has recorded
on the bodies of women as the unecessary & undignified pain accompanying human birth. It is my desire & it is my reason
for being to restore to mankind the dignity of birth. Into this world of form life should enter on a song, in beauty, harmony
& full control of the faculties of mind as it did in the beginning before mankind chose to take the life of God &
use it in vain.
When the souls & bodies of men born on this Earth are washed in on a wave of pain & a cry of
agony do you know what that does to the lifestream newly-come from realms of such beauty & harmony that your outer minds
cannot conceive such perfection possible? Can you imagine the shock such a birth must have been to the beautiful God-free
Buddha who with golden hair & seamless robe bowed to the Lords of Karma & offered to take birth thru human flesh so
that the radiation of his Presence in this world of form might be of some help? Can you think what it meant for a magnificent
Christ, bidding adieu to Lord Maitreya, to enter the Earth plane even though it was thru the pure body of Mary? & for
the glorious Siddhartha who rendered his great service to mankind centuries ago? Even this year thousands of fine, intelligent,
well-developed lifestreams with talent will have to pass thru the degradation of the present system of hman birth.
I dedicated my life to the restoration of the dignity of the portals of birth thru lifestreams drawn
into this planetary scheme. I dedicated it also to the dignity of retiring from the screen of life in full command of mind
& in a perfect body in which there is no disintegration or decay. Birth, life & passing-away are the three activities
that should represent the dignity of experience in this world of form & the manifest glory of God as expressed by the
Parents of our system. This perfection shall now be restored!
The life substance qualified with the crimson hue of passion flows in great tides thru the atmosphere
of a city like New York. Here you see young men & women coming from all points of the Earth's surface for opportunity.
They walk unknowingly into these tides of powerfully-charged energy with no conscious protection except that which you can
call forth! Oh, dear ones! I plead with you in the name of life & light to use your energies to sublimate those tides
of passion, to raise that energy into the violet fire so that everyone who enters this city of opportunity may be filled with
light. Call that the pressure of energy playing upon the bodies of young people shall be a pressure to produce perfection
in art, music & every good activity. Their karma has brought them to Earth & we are endeavoring to stimulate within
them a desire to become Gods & Goddesses & to manifest the perfection of the great Goddess of Liberty & beloved
Portia, Opportunity.
I have served long, you know, as a member of the Karmic board. I have seen many of you so often both
before & after each Earth life. I have seen you go into embodiment filled with new life & enthusiasm, grasping your
scroll (upon which is written your mission to serve) in your hands, eager to take embodiment & set the world afire with
the light & understanding which you knew at inner levels. I have clothed you round with my love, praying that you might
sustain some remembrance of your vow to make things right thru the gates of birth & thru the years of growth. I have been
within the homes to which you came. I have poured thru your parents & loved ones as much of myself as I could conduct
thru their feelings. Sometimes I have seen you come back at the close of a life wilted, tired & discouraged. I have taken
you in my arms & kissed away your disappointments, your discouragement & your pain. I have told you that there is
no failure but giving up & into your souls & spirits I have poured the words so often, "Beloved ones, just continue
to try!"
Now I speak to you while you are yet in the prime of Earth life. I have not waited until your worn-out
physical bodies have released your weary souls. I speak to you from the heart of the Karmic Board & say, "In the name
of God while you have life & faculties, while you have opportunity & the substance of this world, while you have a
knowledge of this law, in the name of God fulfill your vow now! Make the call that death, disease, disintegration & decay
be removed from the plaent. Call that impurity be wiped from the Earth--cause, effect, record & memory--& leave this
planet freer because you have had being.
I shall remind you of this petition when you are called home & you again stand in my Presence without
that flesh garment! What will you now do with my life--because this is my life that I give you. This is my consciousness I
share with you. You will all come home someday. There is no escape. There is no escape, dear ones, for even the sleepers'
realm now allows a respite of only one year. The "compund" itself is no more. The earthbound too must also answer the call
of the Lord & fulfill their reason for being. One day, beloved ones, you will stand in my Presence & I shall say,
"On a Palm Sunday some time ago in a beautiful sanctuary on Earth I gave you remembrance of your purpose for being, I asked
you to become Gods & Goddesses of Mercy & Compassion & to heal a city of impurity, & I hope you can say, "I
have done as you asked!" Then the great commendation of the Lord, "Well done, thou good & faithful servant!" will ring
out, pouring benediction upon your spirit & you & I will rejoice together that you are home to go out no more.
In this holy Easter week I ask you to accept my love, my blessings & my real Presence, for I AM
a woman as well as guardian spirit of the flames of mercy & compassion which is the forgiving activity of the sacred fire.
Let us not forget for a moment that in dealing with each other we are dealing with friends for I AM your friend & you
are mind! Together we shall be master of the energies flowing thru you which are capable of raising & redeeming this dear
Earth. Now I will say good morning, dear ones. May God bless you! KWAN YIN