Hierarch Aries: Purpose of Air Element, Autumn 1955, dictated to G.
I AM Aries spirit of the air! I AM the first visitor you had when you first took embodiment &
your infant form accepted into your lungs your first breath from our Lord Maha Chohan! This breath is the animating principle
of the air element which enabled you to begin the rhythm of breathing. & it will sustain you in a physical form as long
as you have a service to render here. At the close of your earth life this breath will be returned again unto myself thru
the kind offices of the Maha Chohan. Therefore I AM very close to you, beloved ones, the very very first visitor whom you
accepted of your own free will, that acceptance bringing with it the responsibility for the use of life & its resultant
The breath of life is offered to many. A goodly number of new infants born from the womb of woman refuse to
accept that breath &, standing at the very threshold of a new life, return again into the realm of the unborn. To those
of you who were brave enough, whose Holy Christ Selves were determined enough & whose outer consciousness was constant
enough to grasp the breath of life, to you I AM grateful! I AM the servant of your light! All of the breath you desire is
yours to fashion from it your beautfil melodies & songs, to fashion from it the spoken word & to utilize it as the
motivating power by which all activities of the physical form are performed.
You have not known, you have not touched
the hem of the garment of power which is within your capacity to draw from the air & ethers the nourishment, spiritual
stimulus, eternal youth & beauty, vitality & fire which awaits the magnetic pull of your free will & the expansion
of its qualities thru your flesh body. Those who have even surfacely studied the control of the breath know something of the
buoyancy, vitality & refreshment that is within it. However, few there are in the West who have drawn from the air element
that substance of fire which is the elixir for which mankind has sought thru the ages. By its use one may regain eternal youth
& beauty, indestructible health, strength & energy, transforming the flesh body into a translucent form of light!
Thru your loving cooperation in the transmission classes of our Lord the Maha Chohan you are taking the first steps
toward controlled breathing--the inbreathing, absorbing, expanding & projecting of your breath. With the help of the Almighty
Father of us all you shall develop greater efficiency in the use of the breath & in the absorption of its God-qualities
& powers for your own benefaction! You are like individuals within a storeroom filled with gold, crying that there is
lack & poverty! In the air you have everything, everything required, to sustain the human form, to vitalize it, to quicken
the vibration of its electrons & to redeem it. If you will experiment with this I shall assist you to bring back into
the organism of your flesh form the perfect rhythm which you once knew. We shall also bring it back into the etheric body,
back into the emotional world & into the mental body as well, for when you abide within the natural rhythm of your being
you can know no tension, distress, disease or limitation of any kind. It is merely because you have broken the natural rhythm
of your inner bodies & flesh forms thru discord & inharmony that you find yourselves suffering under certain pressures
which are weights upon you at present.
During this class we are honored by your recognition of our reality, your invitation
to us to be with you & your loving gratitude to & for our various elements. The upreaching of your energies thru the
veil of maya allows us to render service to every human being upon the planet & to cosmically transmute a certain portion
of destructively qualified energy in the mass strata of discordant thought & feeling which form the effluvia of your planet.
Naturally, beloved ones, mankind have used air thru the ages. From the time the first root race descended every lifestream
breathed free pure air into its lungs. After the coming of the laggards from other stars & the distress of the shadows
created by discordant thought & feeling, every lifestream breathed out some poison into that pure fresh air which was
prepared for you by myself & the mighty sylphs who work with me in this service. Can you conceive of the magnitude of
that service for one lifestream alone? Placed within a room into which there was not an infiltration of oxygen an individual
would eventually destroy himself by his own polluted breath. You know that! What think you then of the billions of lifestreams
on this Earth today who thru the mercy of life breathe in energy, vitality, light & breathe out, how many times a day,
polluted substance & waste matter? This is the imposition placed upon the breath of life thru discordant thought, feeling
& etheric consciousness as well as flesh waste, all of which must be purified & redeemed by the nature spirits thru
the night hours so that the individual may receive the next day's supply.
That is the service performed by air elementals
upon planet Earth, keeping the atmosphere clean & clear, using the purifying powers of sacred fire, the use of which you
are now being taught. By purification this sacred fire changes the quality of the air by raising the vibration of exhaled
breath of the inhabitants of the planet, both man & beast. If the sylphs & directors of the air currents should discontinue
their service even for one 24-hour period, there would be no need for the ingenious methods of destruction conceived in the
human mind to destroy the race for their breath, not purified by us, would asphyxiate them in a short time due to the ceiling
placed around the Earth which locks in its atmosphere.
When you rise in the morning to a shining new day, when you
breathe in pure crystal prana & when you feel your bodies renewed in strength & energy, then gratitude to the air
element & the beings that govern it is surely in order! For the few people who are even cognizant of this service there
are billions who are not! There are billions of people who take air, water, sunshine & God's good earth for granted, billions
of people who use the gifts of the elements, pushing aside as superstition & mythology the existence of the directors
of those elements. More foolish still, instead of accepting a directing intelligence who governs these tremendous forces,
they attribute the regulation of tides, of sunlight, of harvest, of air to chance & happenstance!
Beloved ones,
those who speak of God without form, an intelligence without definite forcus, those who speak of happenstance have not thought
deeply! From the smallest business or the smallest religious organization to the greatest national government or world order
there is always a focus of intelligence directing its activities as well as other lifestreams cooperating with it in an endeavor
to make the service in which they are engaged as successful as possible. As below, so above! The great infinte source of all
life, the universal First Cause, from which we all came into being has intelligence, focus & form! Although His radiation
is universal in its aspect, this great intelligence in kindness has delegated to those of us who have qualified for service
with Him the opportunity of developing our individual momentums & powers to help the evolutions on various planets &
to nourish the spiritual seed which is within the hearts of all men.
Would not the God of love be selfish indeed if
he were to deny his creatures & creations opportunity to serve with Him to widen the borders of His kingdom? Would it
not be strange behavior in an all-loving being were He to insist upon encompassing all of creation Himself without the cooperative
endeavors of angels, devas, masters & directors of the elemental kingdom, thus dwarfing opportunity for others & their
ability to serve? O no! The God who made us in the beginning made us free! He meant every one of you within this room, all
mankind & every one of us who has evolved along different lines & on different stars to be free! He gave us life from
His own great cosmic heart, gave us the power to think, feel & use His own living body to experiment with life energy.
Thus, one may create for oneself momentums which would be efficacious in expanding the Father's kingdom, or one may create
for oneself the shroud of human distresses in which the majority of mankind find themselves engulfed today!
When the
individual finally becomes master of all energy in & around him then his call does come & he ascends into his own
eternal freedom, into the electronic body of his own I AM Presence. At this time such a one brings to the spiritual Hierarchy
the harvest of his experimentation with life, his mastery. If he has been serving with planet Earth he comes before beloved
Lord Gautama.
The Great Central Sun found Helios & Vesta both capable & worthy of using centripetal &
centrifugal force with enough power of divine love & control of energy to not only create but sustain a planetary scheme.
Thus they were vested with the authority & power to so create. Helios & Vesta then designed a plan for creation of
the planets of their system & placed it in the living bosom of a cosmic Silent Watcher who guards it to this day as an
architect holds the blueprint for his building. Next came Elohim & with them the directors of the forces of elements,
all cooperating jointly in the evolution of the vegetation of Earth, the water element, nature kingdom & the fecundating
power of the fire element on each planet of our system. These planets were destined to be inhabited by certain spirit sparks
from the hearts of Helios & Vesta who were to form the nucleus of the lifestreams that would evolve upon them.
was I called to represent, create & sustain the atmosphere around planet Earth & to keep purified, vitalized &
ready for acceptance that energy which mankind would breathe into themselves. In representing the air element I held within
my very being every sylph representative of that kingdom, quiescent & awaiting direction to go into service. My twin flame
who works with me is the great God Thor. His energy is the drive of the atmosphere & he controls the spirits of the four
great winds.
The beautiful spirit of the east wind brings rain where needed & withholds it where it is not. He
moves the cloud formation from one place to another to allow the release of Neptune's gift of rain. The great west wind brings
refreshing drying zephyrs after rain, drying up excess waters & returning them thru evaporation to the sun for purification.
The beloved spirit of the south wind carries the balmy radiation of ease & peace, while the strong north wind carries
the purifying blanket of snow with which he covers Earth, giving it a certain nourishment as well as beauty. On a sparkling
morning after a snowfall when the sun rises upon a crystal world of purity perhaps some of Earth's evolving spirits can remember
back to the time when the planet itself was so pure.
We are the beings who released the pressures of energy thru wind
which filled sails of boats that carried brave men & women on spiritual missions in the past, that carried boats from
Atlantis before she sank beneath the waves. Ours was the pressure of energy which drove the boat of brave Serapis to Luxor
& other boats to their respective destinations. We are the spirits of air who filled the sails of the ship which carried
beloved Mother Mary & the Holy Grail to England, carrying the blessing of Christ to Glastonbury. We were the pressure
& power of air which drove the ships of Columbus across the sea & brought him to the shores of the Americas. We are
the spirits of air who have been invoked, utilized & blessed by many sons & daughters of men. We have also been cursed
by some of these same sons & daughters of men when sometimes the elemental life in the air was stirred to rebellion thru
man's discord & sandstorms that swept across deserts pelted burning sands into the faces of pilgrims, bringing great distress.
We are the beings whose element is held within cyclone, hurricane, typhoon--those tiny, intelligent & faithful beings
who now thru your great & mighty calls are being freed from imprisonment there.
In the name of Life, as you think
of the great element of air that surrounds your Earth we ask you to bless & bless & bless it, calling on the law of
forgiveness for mankind's abuse of it for so long! Then, whenever the great cosmic law permits the instantaneous answers to
your calls to prevent destructive cataclysmic activity we shall assist you by placing our hands upon storms & stilling
them. In every way possible we shall endeavor to prevent destructive cataclysmic activity caused by undue air pressure.
air currents of planet Earth move like rivers. Your scientists have discovered this to some extent, & they plan to send
up manmade satellites which will revolve within those air currents. By means of these they hope to explore the moon, planet
Mars & other celestial bodies. Their manmade plans are good except for the fact that the axis of Earth is changing, &
as that change occurs the air currents are shifted. Therefore manmade satellites that are planned to move within established
currents would be shifted in like manner &, losing the gravity pull of Earth, would be disintegrated in outer space. This
is something the scientific world at large does not know but it is something which you know, & with all the experiments
that your scientists are making to reach other planets of the system it is well to remember that Earth is a shadow star. The
thoughts, feelings & human consciousness of her people are such that there has been a protective ring of energy placed
around her which keeps her emanation from polluting other planets of the system to which she belongs. Nothing can pass thru
this ring-pass-not but harmony & love. You might say that planet Earth is in quarantine & the air-men who plan to
get out of that quarantine will never do so until they become transmuted in nature & thus rendered incapable of contaminating
thru radiation of their human consciousness the other portions of the solar system of which Earth is a member.
beloved ones, as the axis of Earth is in the process of being restored to its original position it is being accomplished as
carefully as possible because as you know the least jar would upset ocean currents, gas belts, the surface of the Earth &
air currents in the atmosphere. Yet although these cosmic changes are taking place rhythmically & according to cosmic
cycles, your magnificent decrees are essential not only for the peace of elemental life but for the safety & comfort without
disturbance of all evolving life upon the planet.
If we are given the authority by unascended mankind to act in their
worlds, we shall most assuredly do so! If we are given the authority to act in a planetary measure, we shall do that also
& use all our efforts to adjust the movements of Earth which is now beginning to respond to the centripetal force of love
from the hearts of the God-parents, Helios & Vesta in the Sun, who are now sending out the call to the planets of their
system--"Come home!"
For every movement in the readjustment of the planet beloved Diana, Neptune, Virgo & myself
(Hierarchs of fire, water, earth & air) together with all beings that compose our kingdoms will endeavor to make the necessary
changes as peaceful & harmonious as possible, provided you make the calls. Now we come to calculus again. Nearly everybody
likes literature, many people enjoy botany, drawing, music & so on, but when we get into deeper work like calculus the
students' minds are apt to wander a bit. However, let us be alert now for a few minutes longer! For the purpose of analysis
let us take the upper figure on the chart & call it a magnified electron. This electron coupled with others of the same
family responds to the pull of divine love which is its core. This is the centripetal force of science. That core is the magnetic
power of divine love which has drawn electrons from the universal, submitting themselves willingly to an imprisoned form of
life for love's sake, in answer to the magnetic call of love from within the heart of the directing intelligence who wishes
to express life in some form or another.
All electrons move around a central core of love just as planets of our system
move around the sun. What is this core of love? It is the immortal flame of some God-intelligence which has has decided to
create form in some sphere. Thru direction of a thought by that flame of God into the atmosphere a tiny heartflame is created.
This is the centripetal force of divine love which in turn magnetizes light essence, thus forming electrons. These electrons
comprise the form of every idea conceived by the directing intelligence of the being who desires to become a co-creator with
God thru thought & feeling. As these electrons follow each other around their central core, their speed is determined
by what the directing intelligence governing them wishes to manifest. For instance, if the desired precipitation is gold,
the speed of electrons around the core is very rapid. If the desire is for a baser metal, the spped of electrons is proportionately
slow. However, whether the speed be fast or slow all is done in perfect rhythm, the directing intelligence regulating the
speed according to the manifestation desired.
For instance, beloved Victory enjoys experimenting with precipitation.
You have been told that he changes the appearance of his temple frequently. If he chooses to create the dome of his temple
in yellow diamonds, he merely qualifies the electrons with the speed, color & vibratory action desired, & the result
is a dome of yellow diamonds. If beloved Victory chooses a pink dome the next day, he changes the ratio of the spped of electrons,
qualifies them with the desired color, & a pink dome for his temple results. All elemental life substance has been commanded
by the Father to obey the flame of God in the heart of his children. When a God-free being is finished with a specific creation
he releases the electronic light which composes it back into the universal unless it is something that he feels should live
as a permanent manifestation.
You see, life essence is held so priceless by ascended beings that they do not utilize
or imprison electrons except for a very specific purpose & do not cause them to remain in form longer than the requirement
of the manifestation demands. When that is done these electrons are blessed. They have expanded their light by service to
life in obedience to the intelligence that drew them forth. They are then given opportunity for greater service, becoming
builders of form if they so desire. However, many do not respond to this invitation from life but those that do go on to great
heights thru experience & service. This is one portion of the law with which all freewill agree, that is, that there is
no possibility of every expression of life not getting a just reward for service rendered.
Dear hearts, along this
line may I digress for a moment & say that I know it seems very difficult to labor so hard, seeing the rest of mankind
abiding in comparative peace, with hurricanes diverted, erupting volcanoes quieted, people going on their merry way while
a few blessed students are sweating, straining & struggling to make calls which bring these things to pass. It is sometimes
very difficult not to question yourselves as to whether you are some of God's fools or not! Blessed ones, it was ever thus!
It was ever thus! There is no such thing as happenstance, all is scientific. Every ounce of energy, every jot & tittle
you expend is accounted for; you & you alone have the glory & reward for your service deposited in your Causal Body.
Every decree you have given, every step toward God that you have taken, every ounce of energy that you have ever used to persuade
souls of men to step forth upon the path, all these are treasures laid up in heaven for you.
Now to return to electrons
that compose your own bodies--these responded to the immortal flame within your hearts when you were first projected forth
from your God-parents. The electrons in that first sphere responded & your White Fire Body was created which vibrates
so rapidly that it can only be seen by God-free beings. The electrons in every sphere thru which you passed resonded as the
heartflame consciously descended & took upon itself the obligation to incarnate in this physical world.
The emotional
body is also composed of electrons swinging around their central core. The mental body responded in like manner & the
etheric body responded also. The etheric body however is made up of finer ethers. Now what exactly is the etheric body's service
to life? It is your book of memory & within it is recorded every experience you have ever had all thru the ages whether
it be constructive or otherwise. Every time a beam of energy passes out from you it sets up a cause & an effect ensues.
by the law of the circle which is irrevocable the effect returns & makes either a star or a scar on the etheric body.
The etheric body has accompanied you since you first took incarnation upon this Earth. In that etheric body is a record of
all your experiments with life, all your victories, all your witnesses of a transfigured Christ & an Ascended Christ,
a gracious Mary & an Ascended Buddha. In it are also recorded all the iniquities of yourself & the unhappy experiences
with your fellowmen all thru centuries. What has all that done to the etheric body? It has done the same thing it did to the
mental & emotional bodies, it has driven shadows into spaces between electrons & formed pie-shaped wedges of dark
heavy substance which have been previously alluded to in other addresses during this class. This has lowered the vibration
of electrons & dimmed the radiation of their light. It has also driven into the etheric body bitter resentments, lack
of faith & other qualities of a negative nature. The soul when it later meets similar conditions many times reacts in
a similar manner as before remembering previous experiences thru momentums of the past registered in the etheric body. However
the conscious determined use of the violet flame can & does dislodge those disillusionments, rebellions, jealousies from
the etheric body.
At the time of so-called death when the soul leaves the flesh body behind, it goes before the Karmic
Board in the etheric body. Before this takes place however the soul mercifully passes thru a river of violet fire (the river
Styx in Greek myth). In this way as much as possible of the substance of its miscreations is transmuted. However many of those
etheric records still remain like corrugated welts driven into the etheric vehicle. It is to remove as many of these records
as possible at this time that we have given our energies tonight & during this entire class. If you will just let
go of the memories of imperfection even in this life alone & ask your Holy Christ Self to help you let go of every memory
of injustice, failure & distress of every kind that you have experienced, the Holy Christ Self in cooperation with a brother
from the Ascension Temple will give you needed assistance. Now, lovely ones, as my allotted time is about up may I suggest
that you breate the God-given air deeply & love, o, love the spirits of the air. Know that Aries & Thor are always
with you in the air you breathe & the drive of its energy & that we always stand ready & willing to respond to
your slightest call. Thank you, beloved ones, & good night! ARIES
