Here I digress for a moment into My Own activity which you can duplicate in your own minds for any one of
the other masters. Those whom We have trained in the action of the Ascension Flame, for instance, and those still on Earth
who are ready to accept it are particularly blessed because a Brother or Sister from the realm of Bey is given charge over
the lifestreams. These become sponsor and guardian thruout the entire Earth life wherever the individual incarnates and according
to the response of the outer self to the inner intuition and light in the heart and the promptings of the attending members
of the ascension brotherhood. Every conceivable way, means, shape and manner are used to stimulate the heart's desire for
freedom. It is one of the tragedies of life when those who have been marked for the ascension return Home without aking full
advantage of the opportunities given them.
We are very happy at present because so many of the lifestreams in this great scheme of evolution are taking
advantage of the magnificent opportunities within their grasp, and the incarnating egos that are coming within the next twenty
years have unprecedented opportunities offered them. Now thru the great kindness of Lord Michael We have been told that many
many thousands of souls of varying degrees of advancement are to be prepared at inner levels for the ascension without the
necessity of re-embodiment. With this purpose in view they are being taken to the great ascension temples in each one of the
seven spheres which are all snow-white in appearance something like alabaster. In each one of these temples Brothers of the
Ascension shall remain permanently and thru the souls of the enrolled members the ascension flame will be passed--thru all
their inner bodies as well--until they come to a point where their consciousness can absorb a little of the understanding
of the law.
You see, it is one thing to take a consciousness that has an understanding of the law and develop that, but
it is quite another thing to take an orthodox consciousness who has been given a grant of grace and transmute the energies
in that one's world. This can be accomplished only by the action of the sacred fire, and it is My desire at this moment to
ask for volunteers to give their time in the temples at night to pass that flame thru these souls whom Michael has sworn to
give their freedom. This would greatly hasten the preparation of these egos and it would show the Karmic Board in the coming
six months what a dispensation of such great scope can do for the entire world.
You know, there is no such thing as selfishness in heaven, but looking at the hearts of my Brothers and Sisters
I find that each one of Us is so deeply interested in some portion of the law that We take advantage of any moment when We
can gain the attention of any member of the race. Then We plunge into Our individual service with perhaps little consideration
for the problems that may be engaging the attention of the individual. In this connection I can but assure you that while
We present a phase of the cosmic law in the hope of obtaining your cooperation and interest your consciousness, We are still
fully cognizant of the shadows which you hold within your minds. These are the chains of the imaginings that bind your souls,
and while We speak of cosmic service We are aware of the creations and limitations of the human consciousness.
It has been said that the masters of light, God-free, looking at the great scheme of creation have forgotten
how a consciousness feels who is looking thru the sensebound shadows of the world. However I can assure you that We never
look into the heart-light of any spirit without parting the shadows by the beam of Our attention, and there is always some
portion of Our world anchored in their consciousness during our communion with one another.
How close are you to Me! I brought you to the Halls of Karma! I stood before those impassioned judges and
held you by the hand and said "Here o great Lords of Karma is one whose life records shine, whose heart beats true, whose
soul awaits the triumphant shout of freedom to enter into the great realm of immortality." Do you remember? I have stood by
you from the moment when you knelt before the great judge, when every member of that great Court in one voice gave acquiescense
to your incarnation in flesh form thru which you are to write the best page in the history of your life expression. I will
be one of the first to greet you on your return.
You have listened now to the voice of your heart. You have felt the pressure of the Brothers and Sisters of
the Ascension Flame and We are closer at this moment than We have been since the hour when you took birth.
In the coming twelve-month cycle not only in America but in India, China & Russia particularly there will
be thousands of lifestreams born across whose breasts is written the word ascension. Children of great light are coming to
the Earth, spirits of great sensitivity. Would to God the world was ready for them.
I thank you for your invitation. What does man know of the joy in the heart of the God-being so invited to
partake in the affairs of men? We who have stood behind the veil watching the ruin of centuries of endeavors & yet forbidden
by cosmic law to speak thru the veil UNLESS INVITED, hoping that somewhere sometime man might express a wish for Our counsel
and Our Presence. It is beautiful to be invited and We never refuse an invitation.
In the activity of the new dispensation which will do so much for the race I would like to open the inner
sight of those who know something of the power of qualifying energy. In this way you could see what is accomplished in the
music temples by the combination of certain harmonious chords, from the creation of the smallest cherubic figures to the largest
of planetary globes and galaxies, as well as in the dissolution of certain forms and molds which have fulfilled their destiny
and are returning to the unformed--the music of creation that surrounds the building of a planet and the music of dissolution
which accompanies the dissolution of a sphere that no longer serves the divine plan.
When this music, melody and harmony is utilized in this world of form with the full conscious understanding
of the power of cohesion and radiation there is no appearance that can stand before the lifestream or group of consecrated
egos who invoke and use those melodies which are completed at inner levels but await their reception by an alert and sensitive
soul. We hope within the next year to experiment with this because the students who are the hope of the world must have removed
their their inner bodies the quality of rebellion. This is the accumulation whose vibratory action was the fundamental cause
of the Fall of man, the separation of the consciousness from the Christ Self and which stands between even the most earnest
individual and his own divine Presence.
At Luxor, you know, We have a tremendous discipline which was primarily designed to melt the rebellious vibration
which is so suble that at times it is discernible only to the eye of a master and the soul itself is unconscious of the existence
of this vibration within itself. However these harmonies and combinations of sounds that melt within the feelings that rebellious
activity against the will of God will permanently accelerate the cooperation of the conscious mind with Our plan of endeavor.
I AM eager and desirous of setting this into motion and I shall ask the full cooperation of the outer self in this service.
Egypt has been My country since that never to be forgotten day when We received word from the heart of the
high priest that Atlantis was to sink beneath the waves. We carried that Ascension Flame in an open boat across uncharted
seas and knelt before its smoldering embers on the bank of the Nile. With Our very breath We nourished into life again what
seemed to be but ashes. I have not left Egypt except in four embodiments all thru the ages since that memorable day.
You have been with Me many times and We are old friends. It is My hope that you may bring to your conscious
remembrance the power of the sacred fire that you have wielded in Our temple, that you drew forth on Our altars by which you
molded substance into form and rendered such great service to the public. These things are recorded in your own feelings,
they are a part of the energy of your dear hearts. Thru your flesh garments, your hands and thru your fingertips flowed that
flashing flame obedient to your conscious direction. Thru them you have conducted powers of precipitation, of healing, of
levitation. I speak now to the memory which I stir within you! These are records of momentums which belong to the glory of
your causal bodies, not something which must be born out of primal unqualified life essence. They are the heritage of centuries
of devotion and dedication to the externalization of God which belong to you by right of earnest endeavor.
Sleep no longer in this limitation of the outer senses! You are guardian spirits come to save a planet! You
are here to fire a people & to resurrect those living in the death shroud of their own human creation. Your names are
written in the book of life and light! I who have served on the same altars with you, I who have passed thru the energies
of My world the confirmation of your initiations AM not content to see you linger longer in the shadows in this hour of planetary
crisis that is upon us.
Contemplation coupled with action is My request to each of you. Thank you.