Pallas Athena: Answering the Call for Truth, 5-23-1953, NYC
Beloved children of God, you are walking the way of Earth that the light of your hearts may be the guardian
presence of evolving life, and I greet you and bow before the majestic power of the Godbeat in your hearts and bow before
the sacrifice entailed by which every one of you voluntarily chose incarnation upon this shadowy planet offering to guard,
guide and protect the evolution endeavoring to rise to their God-estate. Long has been your journey, faithful has been your
service and great shall be your reward!
It was a magnificent activity at inner levels this morning as you stood and together gave the invocation to
the flame of immortal life, for within each of your consciousnesses in the glory of your causal body is the momentum not only
of your repeated calls to the flame as you officiated in public service thru this past twenty year cycle but also the momentum
that has been gathered down thru the centuries of time when you stood priests and priestesses and oracles in the heart of
the temple of light in every age and drew and focused that flame which kept the planet itself from dissolution.
I awaken within you the remembrance of the power that is within the sacred fire--power which you have drawn
consciously thru your heartbeat and wielded by which entire continents were kept free from disease and shadow and pain and
the disintegration that now accompies the removal of the soul from Earth. More than one of you within this room have known
the freedom and protection that is within its majestic presence.
It is time now that you awaken from the consciousness of your separate selves, and as you did this morning
as one body, draw that sacred fire, concentrate its power, endow it with your love and send it forth for the redemption of
this Earth. It is not an activity in which your entire student body in local groups should join but when those who have been
the protecting guarding presences of numbers of people over a period of years come together you have the concentrated power
and momentum of magnificent lifestreams and the wealth of light within each of you should be the joy of all.
I AM here this morning in answer to each of your heartcalls for truth. Do you know the concentrated power
within the cells required to part the curtain of the great silence wherein some of Us have chosen to abide for centuries of
time? I AM here because of your light and your love and your fierce and loyal and dauntless determination to know truth.
I AM one of twelve beings privileged to be the spiritual court of the Mother of this system, the beloved Vesta.
My Sisters have been more welcome upon the planet Earth than I, for there is not a heart that does not want mercy, not a soul
that does not want peace, nor a lifestream that does not want love. A limited few timidly call for justice, a limited few
for purity. And o dear hearts, how many want truth when it is uncomfortable to the pressure of your own concepts, feelings
and opinions? Truth complemented by the comforting presence of divine love is the power by which you shall become free. O
the brutal frankness of the outer self determined to ram truth down the necks of other lifestreams whether or no! Such a one
has much to learn. But when there is the kindness of holy comfort within the feeling body truth may be presented in a way
that conveys assurance, conviction and comfort to the individual. That is why We represent the two facets of the same great
In the early ages before the mist arose from the minds and hearts and feelings of the people I abided within
the Temple of Truth where all might consult Me that chose and although I wore no garment of flesh it was easy to discern My
Presence because there were no shadows between the sense consciousness of the harmonious selves evolving upon the planet and
the perfection of Our octave. And the governments flourished, and education, art, science and religion because each lifestream
was held within the Presence of Truth and guided by his own divine Presence in his individual affairs and in national and
international affairs, and We moved forward with very great harmony and happiness.
With the closing of the great Lemurian Age this association with Us and the beauty resulting therefrom began
to dim with the creation of mankind's own choosing to enfold lifestreams in the mists of forgetfulness, and truth became veiled.
On Atlantis some of you were sufficiently true to the principle of life to maintain temples to the Goddess of Truth, and there
I was enabled to manifest to a chosen group of prepared, reverent and dedicated lifestreams who in turn carried the word of
truth to others whose own creation had blotted out so to speak the vision of Our realm and its inhabitants.
You have heard Serapis tell how the great Hierarchy warned the priest that Atlantis was about to fold her
veil around her and sink beneath the waves, and those blessed ones who had guarded the Temple of Truth made preparations to
carry the flame from that altar along with secret documents which had been carefully transcribed and which contained within
them the results of many of Our conferences to a place of safety. Slowly the years passed and nothing happening in the outer,
people in themselves began to murmur that the priests and priestesses were telling falsehoods, and they slipped back into
their old ways until finally came the night when all were notified to proceed to the boats, and in company with their own
chosen priests and priestesses endeavored to arrive at a place of safety before the cataclysmic action would churn the ocean
into such a boiling sea that no boat could survive.
Our beloved Paul and three of you within this room were among the group who took the Flame of Truth across
the Atlantic thru the Mediterranean into Greece. They were among the few who arrived in time and knelt even while Serapis
and His group were kneeling in Egypt around the Ascension Flame. I stood in the atmosphere as the Flame of Truth burned in
the brazier which they had carried from the Atlantean temple, and the faithful ones bowed to the ground in gratitude to life
for and the honor of preserving truth. The documents were placed in certain archives where they will remain until some of
you are poised enough in your own God Presence that they may again be brought forth for the illumination of mankind.
Some of these records unfortunately burned at Alexandria, but many have made their way into Tibet and China,
and ever grew that veil of human creation even while the smoldering embers of truth were guarded by a faithful few who incarnated
again and again and again. And at Delphi when the priestesses were able to contact the spirit of Truth some of that flame
enabled those early Greeks to proceed on the path of righteousness. But the more the creation of the human enfolded the lifestream,
the less the individual cared to know truth. Every man, woman and child created of himself and in himself a concept which
became his god, one that was comfortable to live with, one that carried vicarious atonements, one upon which you could place
the reults of sins of omission and commission. Thus in a state of self-hypnosis the race continued to move about and I was
compelled to withdraw.<>P> For thousands content to worship at the altar of their own making--a glorified manifestation
of themselves--there have always been the few who chose to walk alone up the mount of attainment and endeavor to pierce thru
the clouds of their own concepts, to wipe the mists from their sight and loosen the wax of heedlessness from their ears and
endeavor to understand and know truth.
Lord Buddha for seven years raised His consciousness hourly and daily, first thru the veils and shrouds of
His own thoughts and feelings--a painful process in itself--and then thru the onepointedness of His concentrated love up--up--up
and upward thru the strata of human creations. As His consciousness was lifted from the lower and heavier atmosphere which
was filled with the effluvia of man's thinking He came into a strata of more light wherein abided purer spirits and many a
lesser searcher after truth has stopped and abided there and felt it was his goal, and such ones returning spoke of the heavens
with streets of gold and the cherubim and angels and heavenly choirs, and for them it was the ultimate, and they spoke truth.
But for Him He said "It is not enough," and onward in that individual silent pilgrimage in the heart of the
forests, protected by nothing but the invisible Presence of God Himself, He raised His consciousness higher and came into
the realms of the temples and beings who had earned the right to live in their Higher Mental Bodies at night, but that was
not enough. Many have returned from that realm and have become messengers of the Word, and they have spoken truth and many
have been their followers, and they have said "Lo, this is truth, this is the ultimate" and for them it was good because it
was all the consciousness could absorb at a given time. And He went onward and upward until He came to the divine realm where
ideas and thoughts of God Himself were pulsating to the ethers and here too some few strong sons and daughters of man have
stood and witnessed the perfection of the realm of ideation and returned filled with enthusiasm and fire and have said "I
have found truth." And there were among the men and women of Earth those who responded and rejoiced with them, and the beloved
Buddha said "No, it is not the ultimate" and finally He came to the heart of love, the great Presence of the Father-Mother
God and placing His head upon the bosom of the God-parents He knew that love was all. And when He returned He did not speak--no
longer was it required to say I have found it, for He had become that love. Do you see, beloved ones?
O the arguments, the fighting, the physical force and actual murder that has been committed in defense of
truth. The fiery patriots of Mohammed, the great Crusaders and in our present day the zealots of every religion crying aloud
"I have truth!" I come to you this morning and say to you, won't you BE truth for My sake? 300 years after beloved Jesus finished
His ministry in a great city of Asia Minor almost the entire feminine population gathered and engaged in a physical fight
throwing cabbages and other vegetables in an argument over who was the Third Person of the Holy Trinity. Today perhaps it
is more subtle but it is no less ridiculous.
You beloved ones who have come some of you halfway round the world have signified to the cosmic law that you
desire to know truth. An ascended master stood with you in all your preparations and everyone who has come within this building
was personally sponsored and accompanied by a perfected being to protect your light and give you safe convoy in order that
the strength of your combined energies might be utilized in the endeavor of the cosmic law to unify the consciousness of mankind
within the twenty year period allotted. I do not wish to make you tense in the feeling of your responsibility. I wish to fire
you with a rejoicing in the opportunity to pool your talents--potential and developed--into this great crucible and into the
lifestreams of each other to give strength, protection, assistance and make a heart center thru which truth incarnate may
reach the peoples of Earth.
Beloved ones, you have heard these words over and over thru the kind offices of Our beloved Godfre and thru
the gracious assistance of Our beloved Lotus for years: truth is perfection. Nothing that was not conceived in the mind and
heart of God has reality or immortality--thank God! Then what happens when you feast with all the power and attention of your
feeling world on the defects appearing within the lifestreams you encounter? You are not then embodying the consciousness
of truth. It is not truth! Please feel that with all your heart and soul and spirit when you see any manifestation of ill
health, imperfection, distress and the countless number of limitations to which the human mind is heir. Your business is to
SEE and BE perfection.
All of the law, dear people, is a balance. There is no purpose in being like some of the blessed ascetics
of the early ages who rushed from the initiations of worldly living into cloisters to escape observing the idiosyncracies
of the rest of mankind. Mastery lies within reach of the lifestream who can observe imperfection and not allow rebellion,
hate, resentment and depression to churn within the feeling world and who can within the heart of that sacred fire firmly
and powerfully assert "It is not true," calling for the manifestation of truth thru that lifestream.
Do you think that for one fraction of a moment hundreds and hundreds of God beings would have denied Themselves
the glory and freedom of nirvana and remained in the shadows of such creations that I would not describe to you if We tied
Our attention to the discrepancies manifest thru outer selves? You think you are sensitive, dear hearts, thru your limited
senses, thru the small spectrum which your physical sight allows you to observe and the very octave in which your hearing
perceives the sounds of the third dimensional plane. But when you have the senses of complete freedom and you can hear as
Our beloved Messenger said yesterday the sounds of the inner bodies and yet you can remain within that calm peace and DEMAND
God revealed thru the lifestream, then you become Ourselves in action.