Maha Chohan: Sacred Convocation, I, 8-15-1953
Beloved children of the One God, I greet you tonight in the name of the one eternal teacher--the living breathing
flame of immortality which beats your physical heart! Within intelligent life is the fullness of all truth, the remembrance
of all reality and the power to recognize and embody that reality thru the individual consciousness!
As the attention of mankind is drawn toward the spiritual center from whence proceeds all anointed ones whose
privilege and honor it is to bring to the remembrance of man the truth of life, We ask you who are the wayshowers upon whose
shoulders falls the cloak of ministry to become still enough to perceive this silent teacher, alert enough to comprehend the
truth which it will reveal and honorable enough to embody the direction of its Presence to the glory of God, the freedom of
mankind and the transfiguaration of your outer self into the God-being which has been preordained as your ultimate destiny!
During this 30 day period each student who is desirous within the depths of his own feeling world to find
and know truth will have the opportunity of sitting at the feet of the Master of masters Lord Buddha Himself and at the feet
of His beautiful successor Lord Maitreya and of My son Kuthumi! The stimulus to the immortal fiery flame of life within your
hearts which such proximity will bring shall amply reveal to you the truth that lies within seeking the Kingdom of Heaven
and its righteousness.
Contemplation of this holy flame within the heart coupled with balance rhythmic breath will bring illumination
to the earnest seeker! During this period when the spiritual anointing from the Sun chooses to consecrate the shepherds and
their helpers, may I point out that this is a period of sanctification, a period when exceeding grace is available for the
asking! Take off thy shoes, o aspirant, in the Presence of the Lord! Accept His benediction carried in the sacred vessel of
consecration! Open wide the doors to the inspiration that flows, eagerly seeking receptive channels thru which to fulfill
itself among the sons and daughters of men! And I, knowing well your opportunity, stand ready to assist you in preparing heart,
soul, mind, spirit, body for this coming! Love and blessings!
Maha Chohan: Sacred Convocation, II, 9-13-1954
You who have responded thru the veil of flesh and thru the vibratory action of the outer consciousness to
the magnetic pull of Our hearts--you who have bared your souls to the vital rays of truth--are blessed among the sons and
daughters of men. As We close the great 30 day period during which the orthodox teachers, rabbis, church missionaries and
great metaphysical and occult teachers in the world of men have been drawn nightly into the sanctified radiation of the great
World Teacher, I would like to elaborate a little on the service of last evening. We should like you to contemplate upon the
nature of religion and measure your own endeavors against Lord Maitreya's loving counsel as well as that of the seven beloved
chohans each of whom represents one facet in the balanced development of every lifestream.
As Lord Maitreya rose to speak and My seven beloved sons stood behind Him, We had an assembly of over ten
million souls including those whose bodies are presently functioning on Earth as well as those attending the schoolrooms established
by Kuthumi, Lord Maitreya, Lord Michael and St. Germain at inner levels. Among the assembled souls were may who volunteered
to teach those so desiring as much of the law as they could assimilate and then in practical application weave into the garments
of their own life expressions.
Lord Maitreya stood on that raised elevation and the moon played on the golden lights of His hair, His eyes
looking like violet stars and the entire upper part of His body looking like a veritable sun in the heavens. If He had said
no words His embodied Presence of youth and love would in itself have been lesson enough but He chose to speak, and in speaking
He gave much thought to religion as taught in the accepted faiths of the evolution of Earth. At the close of His address each
one of the chohans themselves elaborated upon their part in the balanced, ordered religion which is to be the gift of Lord
Maitreya and St. Germain to the mankind of Earth during the next cycle. I asked Him at the close of the service whether I
might give a digest of these addresses for the blessing of those interested and He acquiesced. My life this morning therefore
is woven into this digest--yours to accept with My counsel that you would be better off never to have heard of it if you choose
to do nothing with it than to have heard it and abide in inertia! For that is law.