Lady Master Venus: dictation thru Geraldine Innocente
In the name of the beloved Lord Krishna and His spiritual complement Radha (or Sophia) I bring greetings to
you, o Helios and Vesta! I bring greetings also to you who are presently evolving upon the Earth and to you who have come
from other systems and stars and are now abiding with Earth's people in an endeavor to draw the vibratory action of the planet
and its evolutions into a oneness with the harmony of the spheres. I bring to you all the blessings of My love. To you who
have been hosts to My Beloved for many many centuries, to you who now have promised Him the glory and freedom of a return
to Our system and star, to you I bring My gratitude.
I have long served Venus without Sanat Kumara's help, endeavoring to abide within the balance of My Own God-flame
in our great solar system and represent to My people and My orb the vibratory action of both Sanat Kumara and Myself. Now,
o My Beloved, I rejoice that soon You are to return to Me, to Our evolution and Our orb!
It is the request of My people and of My orb that I bring to you who love Our Lord Sanat Kumara the gratitude
of Our lives for your service at this time and for your interest in the evolution of the Earth with its mankind. We are grateful
to you for weaving out of the energies of your own lifestreams that light which will ensure a permanent place for the Earth
in its solar system and allow My Beloved Sanat Kumara His freedom to ascend upon your love to His natural estate.
As you may know, the Sun to which we belong is dedicated to a radiation of divine love and wisdom. Beloved
Krishna whose embodied quality of divine love has been remembered by some of the messengers and beings from Venus who have
taken embodiment in your system is responsible for the glorious title of the Christ. This title was later conferred on some
avatars and great messengers. Beloved Radha is an individualization of divine wisdom. Her radiation has brought our system
and the orbs belonging thereto that perfect outpouring of wisdom. She has asked Me to convey thru you the personal blessing
of Her wisdom into the vibratory action of your system. This I do today. All of the great Suns that came forth from the parent
Sun of this galaxy embody for their systems at least two God-qualities.
Beloved Helios is the embodiment of illumination and beloved Vesta is the embodiment of truth. The orbs belonging
to this system are destined to carry illumination and truth into other systems and galaxies not only presently but in a great
magnificent future.
Beloved Krishna and Radha are destined to carry love and wisdom into systems and galaxies beyond those of
which you are presently aware and toward which I will not now stretch the consciousness of your individual worlds lest you
weary in your endeavor to contemplate the magnifice, omnipotence and omniscience of God's creation. The creation of God is
a constantly unfolding consciousness of His godliness which in its ever increasing and intensifying comprehension of being
extends far beyond that which even We in the ascended state can yet comprehend.
As the cosmic inbreathing of the Great Central Sun of this galaxy prepares to draw the lesser Suns back into
its cosmic heart, so do the individual Suns in like manner prior to this upward movement begin to draw from the periphery
of their systems the orbs of their systems. Therefore as the orb closest to the Sun is absorbed into its parent Sun, Our orb
Venus will move closer to Our Sun, taking its place revolving in the orbit of beloved Krishna and blessed Radha. Your Sun
will draw Mercury into its heart and your dear Earth will (move into the next closest orbit). You will see that right below
the star Venus revolves Earth in this system. We who are going forward into greater light are endeavoring to prepare the Earth
and her people even as the wise administrator prepares his successor so that the vibratory action of the orbit and socket
may be comfortable for you, making it possible for the inhabitants of the Earth to enjoy the radiation of love and wisdom
which We are leaving as Our heritage to your planet. So too are you preparing as you move toward your Sun for the entrance
of Mars into the orbit of Earth. Even its physical manifestation in the heavens shows how close the planet Mars is to Earth
at this hour. That which We leave as a heritage to you, o sweet Earth, is the embodiment of love!
At the present cosmic moment the Suns of this galaxy are drawing the orbs of their particular systems toward
themselves in a more-or-less horizontal activity of centripetal force. A little later the Central Sun of the entire galaxy
will draw the Suns themselves toward it in a vertical activity. Presently the orbs of each system are moving toward their
suns. Later the suns together with their orbs will move upward toward the Central Sun. Thus the orbit of that sun immediately
above us as well as the orbits of the orbs belonging to the system above us will be vacated and our sun and our orbs will
occupy these orbits, even as the sun below us and its orbs will enter the orbit of our sun and its orbs.
Shall I speak for a moment about Our orb Venus? She is a magnificent orb where every lifestream sent forth
from its Holy Christ Self is embodied in a beautiful light body holding within itself the seed of a white-fire being. Every
such soul is completely at one with his or her Holy Christ Self manifesting the complete harmony of life thru the vehicles
of mind, feeling and outer form. On Our star there is no such manifestation as decay--no rust, mold, fermentation or disease
or death. All of these qualities of which I have just spoken which are a heritage of the human race are but the decadence
of the natural activity of etherealization by which temporary form is sublimated or returned to universal light.
On Venus precipitation is performed thru the use of consciously-directed light rays. On Our orb the people
invoke this light substance thru thought and feeling and precipitate it into form as magnificent temples and homes of light
or into glorious flame flowers as well as into the sustenance required for the nourishment of their bodies, for their clothing
and all they ever require to fulfill their divine plan.
At the close of a cycle of embodiment on Venus the power of conscious etherealization is used to return the
elements composing the bodies to the universal. Having fulfilled one episode in the rhythm of evolution the soul passes into
one of the inner spheres of Venus which represent the causal body of the Silent Watcher of Venus. Then in time the soul returns
into embodiment again and again until the seven rhythms of embodiment are completed in perfect harmony. The power of etherealization
is also used on occasions where We are finished with any particular precipitated manifestation. In this way the substance
is returned in love to its primal essence and does not suffer the indignities of decay, gradual unpleasant disintegration
and the very unhappy experiences of diesease and death.
You too, beloved children, have within you the same great power, the power of cohesion which draws primal
life into form. Thru your thought and feeling centers you are endowed even as those on Venus with the capacity to mold whatsoever
you will out of universal light. You are also endowed with the power of etherealization so that at the completion of the usefulness
of any substance or activity any manifest form may be dissolved and returned in dignity and blessing to primal life in the
Sun for repolarization. It is to be regretted that harmonious rhythm which is the natural activity of the flame within your
heart has been forgotten for so long. It is a cause for great rejoicing, however, that we are coming to a point where We may
reach the consciousness of even a few of mankind and thru their comprehension of the law endeavor to re-establish that natural
rhythm of life thru the flame that beats the physical heart.
The vibratory action of the orb Venus is white, and the focus of the immortal Presence within the heart is
that of a glorious white-fire being. The vibratory action of the Earth being gold, the focus of the glorious Presence within
the heart of those belonging to the Earth evolution is that of a gloden-fire being (and also the analog of gold: a violet-fire
being--note added in 2002). In the system to which you belong the natural vibrations of your own energies will respond to
the color of your Sun, to the color of the planetary system of which evolution you are a part. The radiation and aura of that
exquisite being will be the manifest expression of the color and vibratory action of your own particular evolution.
I would like to bring to your remembrance the activity of your life! Your Holy Christ Self, beloved ones,
has chosen to project into the chalice of your physical heart a portion of itself--that immortal Threefold Flame of life which
has the power of magnetic attraction within itself. This flame drew around itself the physical form, the more subtle ethers
of the etheric body, the substance of the mental body and the substance of the emotional world. When acknowledged that immortal
flame within you will develop and expand thru you a replica of the divine God-Presence, the electronic Presence of God which
abides within inner spheres. This tiny figure within your heart is one in essence and consciousness with your Holy Christ
Self. The Holy Christ Self of course is one in consciousness and essence with your God-Presence and this makes the activity
of the three times three.
Primal life which is drawn forth by the I AM Presence and invested in the Holy Christ Self should pass directly
into the keep of the immortal flame within your heart thru the silver cord, not interfered with by any radiation or discord.
This silver cord is a stream of pure crystal-like substance which flows from the heart of your God-Self into your physical
heart. This beautiful primal life is magnetized by the Presence which gives you the capacity to say I AM and the consciousness
to create anything and everything in this world of form.
This primal life essence should be dispensed by that Presence within your heart into the use of the vehicles
created by that Presence to expand the borders of God's Kingdom, even as the Sun dispenses its radiation, light and nourishment
to the orbs of the system, causing them to rotate on their axes and to move in orderly procession around itself. In turn the
Sun moves in rhythmic action around the Great Central Sun. The Great Central Sun itself is part of millions and millions and
millions of galaxies that move by cosmic intelligence far beyond man's comprehension around greater Suns. So it goes, on and
on, in a gigantic onward-moving procession, all continually moving forward harmoniously toward ever greater expressions of
Your blessed Sun pours its radiance, sustaining the orbs of its system. Thru the power of attraction the Sun
keeps each orb in its orbit, allowing none to come too close to the vibratory action of the Heart-center because the vibratory
action of each orb must be accelerated before it can safely enter into the heart of its Sun. Yet thru the same power of love
the Sun keeps each planet from passing beyond the Sun's own natural periphery. So must your individual "sun" take full command
of the vehicles thru which it desires to externalize the perfection of God's Kingdom into the world of form.
Your physical body, your etheric envelope, your mental body and your emotional body were primarily designed
as instruments thru which the great immortal Presence might radiate certain qualities and design certain patterns which carry
the divine stamp of the Godhead and the glory of the Kingdom of Heaven into the appearance world. What has happened? Rather
than these bodies standing as humble acolytes with folded hands gracefully allowing that primal essence to pass thru them
into the control of the Presence of God within the heart and waiting as acolytes should the dispensation of that energy by
the divine Presence, these lower bodies boldly seize upon the primal life and mold it into pattern and forms of their own
liking, each body satisfying its individual appetites. Thus the flame within the heart receives neither the authority nor
the honor of taking that primal life essence and doing with it what it will thru its vehicles.
Sometime upon life's way every lifestream comes to a point where it recognizes and reverences the privilege
of using life, especially when it realizes for a moment the activity of that ceaseless flow of electrons and knows that sometime
somewhere a cosmic fount, a cosmic source has magnetized and generated that life, projecting it into the use and keeping of
a self-conscious intelligence for a purpose. Then in honor and honesty that mature lifestream turns again to the source of
its life and kneeling humbly before that magnificent Presence within the physical heart such a one gives back into God's keeping
the authority for the use of life.
That individual then rises in dignity and commands the silence of the emotional world, the silence of the
mental world and the silence of the flesh. When that command is given in the authority of the I AM and the lower bodies are
divested of authority to act without direction, the primal life essence is directed by the Christ Presence into its proper
channels of expression.
The emotional body is then commanded: carry thou forth this day the radiation of Christ, the feeling of God's
love to thy fellowman! Expand thou the gifts of the Holy Comforter! Be thou a conductor thru which thy Christ Self may pour
to all life the protection, healing and peace of the universal deity! The emotional body then accepting the master authority
humbly answers "I will." Next the great mental vehicle filled with human concepts swirling in a state of constant motion is
controlled. Those concepts are purified or removed and the mental vehicle is commanded: stand still and listen! Receive from
the Holy Christ Self the divine design for thy being, the directions for this day! then out of the universal light substance
creat thou those forms which shall benefit thy fellowman! The mental body acknowledging the dignity and authority of the Christ
meekly answers "I will."
The great etheric envelope created originally to record all life experiences which should have been momentums
of good is charged to record solely the momentums of citorious accomplishment thru itself and others. Once more it becomes
a battery of constructive energy and records only momentums of faith, healing and love. Thus when the individual is required
to give assistance these constructive remembrances rush forth and the etheric body, combining its energies with the other
vehicles, helps to bring the desired manifestations into form speedily and harmoniously. Lastly the purified flesh is consecrated
and dedicated to service, every element of it. Every sense is offered as a channel to serve Christ and joyously comes into
harmony with the law of its being. Only in this way are you master. Only in this way are you one with your god-Self. Only
then can you say in honesty the Father and I are one. Then truly both you and the Father work in unison. Then does your personal
self become for Us and for all the God-free a conductor of Our gifts into the world of form. Beloved precious children of
God, in that great command "Peace, be still" your physical and inner bodies will come to a sense of recognition that they
must be your willing and joyous servants.
Your sphere of influence is the aura and radiation created by your qualification of primal life essence thru
thought, feeling word and deed as it passes thru your mental, emotional, physical and etheric bodies and thence into the world
around you. The greater the stream of life which flows from your Presence the more of primal life you have invoked, the greater
amount of energies which your self-conscious intelligence uses, the wider will be your sphere of influence. Those who are
timid or lethargic, those who use little energy have small spheres of influence. Those who are dynamic, positive and powerful
have drawn more energy and that energy passing out from the body creates a much larger aura. The nature of your individual
sphere of influence is the responsibility which you have taken before life because thru those energies you are constantly
affecting all in your environment, all with whom you come in contact, and lastly all manifest life on the planet. Therefore
when individuals desire to serve Us they must come to a point where they are in full control of their own radiation thru their
various bodies. Whether it be small or large their sphere of influence should become the controlling radiation not only in
a room but in the entire locality in which they live and furthermore it should have an uplifting effect on all manifest life
on the planet. When you have builded your momentum of good and the cosmic law and your Holy Christ Self find it safe to release
more life to you, your beneficent influence could become planetary in active radiation.
With the varying qualities of radiation which form the average aura of individuals you will understand that
it would not be a mercy for life to allow anyone too much energy because everything and everyone within that sphere of influence
is affected by every passion, every , every depression as well as every prayer, every affirmation, every conviction of faith
and every feeling of harmony. For this reason the wisdom of the cosmic law decided to decrease the volume of primal life released
to the personal self, making the sphere of influence of the uncontrolled lifestream comparatively small. This ruling will
be sustained until the time when the cosmic law in conjunction with the Christ Self increases the gift of life, as it is convinced
that the individual is master of the life entrusted to him thru the conscious return of authority to its own individualized
You have heard of forcefields! This sphere of influence of which I speak is your individual forcefield. If
it is held in comparative harmony it can be used by the Silent Watchers who cover cities, nations and the planet itself in
Their endeavor to dissipate evil and give protection in times of crises. When these Silent Watchers see forces of nature in
rebellion, when They see plagues and epidemics about to manifest, when They see the many crises which I shall not name, They
appeal for assistance to the great cosmic being or ascended master whose energies have been offered to the Brotherhood to
dissipate just such evils. The first question asked by the God-being whose energies are invoked is "Have you a conductor in
that locality?" The Silent Watcher may say "Yes, there is such a harmonious nature". Then the cosmic being does not have to
build a funnel of light to carry His radiation downward for such an activity uses much of the energy He could use in giving
the blessing. Instead, the great being comes into the atmosphere of Earth with the Silent Watcher, stands within the electronic
body of the chela and thru the silver cord He pours thru the inner bodies and flesh of that one the benediction, purification,
protection and balance that is required to dissipate the evil of the moment.
O beloved ones, many natural conductors who have no knowledge of the inner spheres but have a sweetness and
purity of soul have thus been used thru all ages. Many saints, many holy men, many of the reverent, devout and humble have
thus been utilized and thru their bodies has flashed protection which sometimes has saved millions of lives. However, these
are unconscious conductors. These are individuals who "just happen" to be in a state of grace thru harmonious radiation either
for the moment or for a longer period of time. The Silent Watcher points out these individuals to the cosmic master who then
blazes His radiation thru them.
Now you are a different group entirely--you desire to become conscious conductors looking at and caring for
the mankind of Earth. The Silent Watcher sees that which is about to take place, and the chela in embodiment with alert conscious
mind and intelligence is prompted or inspired to invoke cosmic currents of divine protection for his people, city, nation
and planet. Thus, rather than being an unconscious conductor, the student consciously becomes an invocative priest or priestess.
Beloved ones, when you desire to serve mankind, when you desire to bless the elemental kingdom, when you desire to serve in
any crisis you must first make your own sphere of influence harmonious. This is the magnetic power which draws the blessing
of the master making you a radiating center of peace and balance which can donduct the blessing. Otherwise you draw the God-being
by your invocation and He, looking upon your turbulent energies, is unable to use your vehicles to conduct light, healing
or protection. Very often in such cases the cosmic being who is invoked by the zealous and earnest chela is forced to use
His energies in seeking another conductor in the vicinity who is harmonious and while perhaps this one may be unaquainted
with higher law, yet he is one thru whom the master may channel His blessings. In the mastery of your own energies, beloved
ones, you are to become not only conductors but magnetizing agents of cosmic currents.
Wherever you see a need, first still yourself. Then visualize yourself dressed in the dazzling white garments
of your Holy Christ Self and make your invocation with all the power of the Godhead. There is not a being or intelligence
you invoke who will not promptly answer your call. That is how the Master Jesus let the healing life flow thru His vehicles
of incarnation and the dead did arise, the blind did see, the lame did walk, and the sick were made whole. Jesus was vested
with the conscious power of invocation and He kept the instruments and conductors of His own lifestream constantly ready for
the instantaneous release of the gifts from Above.
Although the Master Jesus was constantly alerted to His mission which was the dissipation of evil, the greater
cosmic activity of Lord Maitreya in the fuller freedom of inner spheres saw many opportunities for service when the outer
consciousness of the Master Jesus did not realize that cosmic assistance was required. Then the state of listening grace which
Jesus had was essential, for when Lord Maitreya chose to bless, Jesus lifted His hand. When Lord Maitreya chose to speak the
lips of Jesus were at His disposal. Suppose that Jesus were thinking only of himself and the things of Earth! Suppose He had
not lived in a perpetual state of listening grace! Suppose during a time of personal outer interest on Jesus' part Lord Maitreya's
cosmic moment had come and gone, there would have been no instrument on Earth to conduct Lord Maitreya's blessing. Do you
O magnificent is your opportunity! When you have perfected your individual forcefields, when you have consecrated
your instruments, when you have felt the release of that flame conducting healing, peace or balance into the lives of others,
then the great forcefields for your temple activities can be builded of your combined spheres of influence--those who are
like you in nature and temperament, building their energies into that forcefield creating a larger blanket of protection,
benediction and blessing in your locality. Your individual group director whose love and light have made it possible for such
a group to be established sets up a pattern with your cooperation and the rhythm of invocation blends the individual lifestreams
into a harmonious whole.
Thus is created and sustained a magnetic pull upon the God-free. This is the service which the beloved Maha
Chohan is choosing to render thru the Transmission Flame groups and thru your sanctuaries, specializing the power and particular
service of your sphere of influence. The beings directly concerned with the release of healing, protection and the bringing
of truth in general to mankind may be magnetized. They then take an active interest in that group. From that group they take
chelas to inner levels for training while their bodies sleep at night and They work with these inner bodies in an endeavor
to create a strong magnetic current thru which They may flash the fire of God and render whatever assistance is needed from
time to time.
When this is done and the momentum is builded, the rhythm being undisturbed by inharmony, the mass of the
people will feel the pressure of that qualified energy and will be drawn to the students thus prepared to give the blessing.
Perhaps not all will remain to serve, for as yet many of mankind are absorbers--they are the ones who only seek blessings
but are not yet prepared to give. However, from among them will come some who will ask how they too may learn to become such
conductors. In this way your endeavors will grow and proper. This is how We serve on Venus. Our great temples in which are
combined the energies of those who serve with Us are magnificent indeed to behold. Beloved children, would that I could take
you to Our star! Would that I could show you even for an hour what the Earth is to become and what you who stand forth "the
first fruits of them that slept" have set into motion thru your own vital energies!
Beloved precious children of God, take heart! Return in dignity the authority over your world to that exquisite
immortal Presence of life within you! Take command of your vehicles of expression! Let Us see what you will do for the Earth,
what the heritage of your service will leave for the planet and for the evolutions who will succeed you. Until then with all
the love of the great Krishna and Radha, all the love of Mighty Victory and His Beloved, all the love of Sanat Kumara and
Myself and all the love from the people of Venus I enfold you. My love is great enough to see every one of you master of the
rhythm of the flame in your own heart! Thank you and God bless you.
